Alicia Jones recently found two newborn kittens in a barn in Gaston, Indiana. Like any concerned animal lover, Alicia immediately picked up the kittens to check on them. Their eyes hadn’t even opened yet, but Alicia noticed right away that there was something different about this kittens.
The markings on their backs made them look almost like exotic wild cats. She brought the kittens to the Animal Rescue Fund last Saturday. From there they went to a vet, who determined that they were indeed some kind of exotic mix.
Because of this the Exotic Feline Rescue in Center Point, Indiana will be responsible for getting the kittens the care that they need. Their breed is still unknown, but the doctors have ruled out that the kittens are tigers or bobcats. It’s likely that they’re Bengals or Savannah cats.
This would be easier to determine if anyone knew where their mother was, but so far no one has seen any sign of who gave birth to these kittens. It’s also unknown why she would have left her babies behind. Sadly one of the kittens passed away shortly after arriving at the vet.
Both of them were clearly born prematurely, and it was amazing that they had already lived as long as they had. The other kitten is being bottle fed and cared for well. She’s currently doing just fine.
Breeding hybrid cats like these two is very difficult and can be dangerous, not only for the kittens and mothers, but for the human breeders involved, too.
Everyone is hoping this situation will turn out alright for the remaining kitten. Share away, people.
[h/t thedodo]
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