Although humans are the most expressive of all, many animals are also capable of showing emotions and other adorable ’emojis’. Here are some of the rare moments that animals show silly and funny faces caught on camera. Scroll down to have a great laugh and tell us your faves in the comments!
#1 “I should have gone to bed earlier last night…”
#2 This tiger is failing at being a tiger.
#3 Thoughtfully licking the window!
#4 This cat is disgusted by grass.
#5 When you wake up and you’re all out of coffee:
#6 This goat is not the most photogenic.
#7 It’s been a hard day.
#8 Having a BBQ, and this is our view…
#9 This is something heartbreaking.
#11 “I am not fat. I’m big boned.”
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