Ever heard of the phrase ‘fighting like cats and dogs’? Well, we have seen a few(very few) exceptional cases where cats and dogs get along well, but most of the times the phrase mentioned above proved to be true. And its because, by nature, dogs are more playful and love socializing, on the other hand, cats would do anything to get their independence.
You might think that now, you’ll have to choose between either being a cat-person or a dog-person, but what if you get the best of both worlds? With a very little probability, but yes these two can actually get along well. There’s one more thing to know, even if they do get along well, there’s always a room for some drama.
We have compiled a few pictures of moments when felines and canines openly express their despise towards each other. Scroll down and check it out. Do not forget to comment!
#1 Silent Scream For Help
#2 Before And After My Dog Realizes I’m In The Room
#3 His Face Says It All
#4 My Cat Cat Disapproves Of Human/Dog Love… I Didn’t Even Know She Could Do That Face
#5 Kittens Are Scary
#6 My Cat Recently Discovered The Dog Bed
#7 Friend Just Got A German Shepard Puppy. Asked How Her Cat Is Getting Along With Him, And Was Sent This Pic
#8 Bastard Cat
#9 I Didn’t Know I’d Have To Give Up My Dog When I Got A Cat. And By Give Up I Mean The Cat Now Owns The Dog
#10 Having A Cone Collar Fitted At The Vet Was Bad Enough, Then My Dog Had To Come Home To The Cat
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