Anya Yukhtina, a producer and event manager from Moscow, Russia, shared fateful encounter with the two kitten who are now under her care. “My friend’s father found them in the garden of their country house and my friend brought them to me,” she said.
The two are named Fatty and Skinny (they are in shape. Don’t worry), and the two are inseparable. “They are always together! They sleep and eat together. And when they try to steal something from the table they also do it together. They are the best friends!”
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My friend’s father found them in their house garden and my friend brought them to me.
They were only 10 days old when we first met.
It took about a month to teach them how to eat by themselves.
When they were like 3 weeks old they got sick with ringworms.
We had to wash them every 2 days and do medicine shots to cure them.
Now Fatty and Skinny are 8 months old and they are healthy and happy.
Sometimes they run one after other but the fighting stops quickly and purring begins.
They are always together! They sleep and eat together.
And when they try to steal something from the table they also do it together.
They are the best friends!
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