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10+ Photos of Fabulous Jumping Cats

11+ Photos of Fabulous Jumping Cats

Cats are very special creatures in our world.

 They are said to have nine lives because of their uncanning ability to stick landings. They love to jump from side to side or corner to corner.

 Yet, no matter how high, or how far their landing is….they always land with their legs and feet perfectly placed on the ground.

 No injury, or pulled muscle. There’s nothing that will bring these kitties down. These photos capture some of these felines in action, and it’s fabulous.

No wonder one of the most famous Broadway musicals in history, was based on cats!

11+ Photos of Fabulous Jumping Cats

11+ Photos of Fabulous Jumping Cats

11+ Photos of Fabulous Jumping Cats

11+ Photos of Fabulous Jumping Cats

11+ Photos of Fabulous Jumping Cats

11+ Photos of Fabulous Jumping Cats

11+ Photos of Fabulous Jumping Cats

11+ Photos of Fabulous Jumping Cats

11+ Photos of Fabulous Jumping Cats

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